Friday, December 11, 2009

yeah... the picture has nothing to do with this post I don't think?? Just symbolic of my current emotions. Well its a little deeper than that just don't feel like looking. this semester is finally over and I never want to see it was like the semester from hell, well most of it at least. I am listening to this crazy song that has me feeling like a b&*$%... 0_o
...Can I say that I have been entirely fierce all day.. In a poo mood. which is not normal as of lately...6am and you're slamming things not saying a word. Be a lady please. You should have addressed the situation like a women. I do not have time or patience for anymore ignorance in this little life of mine. That is complete stupidity...that is all.
...So today I decided to try this Twitter thing again..I need somewhere to vent so I will lay my burdens on Twitter..However, I still do not see the real purpose of it.
ahhh I can not wait for New Years eve for my blog post...I neeeeedd to get all of this out..Until then :)

I guess the picture did collaborate with the post

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