Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yes...Let's talk about love...I wonder why exactly do we get those exasperating feelings... That tingly greatness. We seek the coalesce of another. Our smiles began to shine brighter than the nebulas and stars.. I guess it's sort of the pursuit of happiness.. Do we ever ...really find what we're looking for?... Damn, I think I'm afraid of love
...friendship is the foundation of love and i've realized that every failed relationship, somewhere down the line, lost that friendship. No one strives to maintain that friendship anymore. They get so caught up in trying to change the other. They forget that everything they're trying to change was there when they fell in love with that other person. We become more of parent figures than partners. "Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with? Its 7pm what are you doing? Who is that? Don't do that?"....ever hear those questions a lot? It should be more of a,"Hey sweetheart, Im going to___ with____ and I will be back at ____ and if anything comes up,of course I'll call."..." Great, have a good time see you later." ... Problem is, there was no trust. and that's where everything falls apart.

I want to find someone who remembers that at the end of the day..."...this is my bestfriend..." Think about friendship. In real friendship, there is ultimate trust. There is no judging. There is understanding. When disagreements occur, "We need to talk about this." There is honesty. Great memories are created. You never leave the other behind. You laugh until you cry. You dance until you fall.----And that is what Love should be.

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