Tuesday, September 29, 2009

sur la vie et l'amour

...Today's weather is beautiful. I feel the loveliness of fall trinkle on cheeks and it just makes me so happy.
A great conversation with numéro de ma grande amie cinq :) left me pondering as I fell asleep last night. Thoughts of relationships, friendships, life, the future. In many ways we may not realize, but as humans, we spend so much of our lives trying to please this person and trying to impress that person. Being this person for these people and trying to fix and figure out life's entire anatomy. We adapt to life around us instead of letting life adapt to us. I have learned that no matter what standards we may try to mount up to and no matter how much we may try to accomodate our lives and the people in it. No matter the title  or abbreviations following our name, at the end of the day, we can only be ourselves, and it is very important that we remember that virtue and remain true to that person. What can we be for life if we lose focus of who we are?
Others and myself suffer from the urge to want to fix and know everything.
But, sometimes we just have to let go and take it one small step at a time and make each moment indelible. The beauty in life, although sometimes argued, is not knowing, but figuring it out along this great journey and excepting "nothing less than we deserve" .

After certain circumstances, I placed a wall around my feelings and my heart because I knew that all I ever wanted was to be happy and feelings and heart were too easily hurt. Everytime I loved, I hurt. Everytime I felt, I fell.
...My mother shined her light. I quote her, "When you allow yourself to love, you must accept the fact that you will be hurt because no one is perfect.You must accept that at times they will let you down because we are only human. And you must accept that there may come a time that you will have to let go. But you must also learn to forgive and have patience. Never forget to look in the mirror first. And when you find "the one"...you will know...because it will all be worth it."
No one could have put it more beautifully. Not Eienstien. Not Locke.
She taught me that it's okay to love and it's okay to hurt. It's a beautiful thing when you can find someone who is truly willing to ride the rollercoaster of life with you and never, ever let go. Someone that compliments you and not tear you down, but build you up. Someone that will listen forever. Finding someone that, even when the music stops, they never stop dancing. Its a beautiful thing to grow old with someone and share life's most promised moments.
It is the icing on the cake. The sprinkles. "What is it to gain everything if we have no one to share it with?"
Today is a good day :)

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