Monday, January 4, 2010

That Inevitable Collapse

I awoke this morning to my phone going crazy and when I realized it was the alarm, "You can not be serious." I Was not ready at all to conquer today. Just wanted to stay there. That pretty light was shining in my room. I love that light. You know the one right when the sun is coming up, but its really cloudy so the light is like bluish- grey. Its not bright yellow-orange, the one that wakes you up. Its the mellow one. :) I suppose Im really beginning to appreciate the little things. Anywho, I remained there for a while doing my usual morning thinking and I embraced just being alive. So I was thinking this morning on my drive to work, I have this feeling of incompetence. Its like walking on a bridge, knowing that its going to collapse and knowing exactly where but you are forced to continue walking. You can not turn back and you can't stay where you are. Its inevitable. That's when I question, "What do we do when incompetence is inevitable?" And seriously, I told myself, " You only have two choices Brittany. You either give up never knowing if you could have done it or you keep walking knowing that bridge is going to collapse, but also knowing that you were created strong enough to climb through the ruble and keep going. And even if you fall flat on your face... you tried." That's pretty much how life works. You either do or you don't and you accept the consequences of your decision. Well, I mostly certainly know that I choose to try because I simply can not deal with the fact of not knowing. So call the National Guard!

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